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Bangkok shrine bombing

Video. Bangkok shrine bombing

Cameras caught the moments after a powerful bomb brought death and destruction to Bangkok. The devastating blast struck around 7 p.m. yesterday (August 17) during the city’s rush hour, sending plumes of smoke and flames into the air. The explosion killed 22 people, including four Chinese tourists, two Malaysians, a Singaporean, an Indonesian and a Filipino were also killed. Thai authorities have committed to severely punish the perpetrators.

Cameras caught the moments after a powerful bomb brought death and destruction to Bangkok. The devastating blast struck around 7 p.m. yesterday (August 17) during the city’s rush hour, sending plumes of smoke and flames into the air. The explosion killed 22 people, including four Chinese tourists, two Malaysians, a Singaporean, an Indonesian and a Filipino were also killed. Thai authorities have committed to severely punish the perpetrators.