Now playing Next Europe News Orbán responsible for corruption in Hungary, says former Belgian PM Top MEP and former Belgian Prime Minister, Guy Verhofstadt, told Euronews that the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, must take responsibility for Hungary's position at the top of the EU's anti-fraud agency's corruption list. 26/11/2020
Now playing Next Europe News Do Hungarians approve of Budapest's veto of the EU's budget? Hungary this week vetoed the EU's €1.8 trillion budget and coronavirus recovery package. What do Hungarians make of the move? 20/11/2020
Now playing Next Europe News Hungary and Poland block EU's COVID recovery package over rule of law Budapest and Warsaw governments are threatening to veto the EU budget and recovery fund over proposals to link access to cash with the respect of the rule of law. 16/11/2020
Now playing Next Hungary Critics say Hungary's new laws allow PM Orban to consolidate control The Hungarian government is being accused of imposing a partial lockdown in order to push through controversial new measures. 11/11/2020
Now playing Next Europe News The Briefing: Poland abortion ruling should worry everyone in the EU Whatever your view is on the abortion issue itself, the way the recent ruling in Poland came about should worry everyone in the EU, especially those sitting in the European Quarter in Brussels, says Euronews' Political Editor Darren McCaffrey. 05/11/2020
Now playing Next State Of The Union Europe's week: Green deal vs coronavirus recovery As Europe struggles to battle a second wave of coronavirus cases, the question is being raised over how far the EU can keep the Green Deal on track in light of the economic downturn. 23/10/2020
Now playing Next Poland Poland protesters tussle with police after abortion ruling "Throwing in the topic of abortion and holding a pseudo-tribunal on it in the middle of a raging pandemic is more than cynicism. This is political villainy," said former Polish PM and President of the European Parliament Donald Tusk. 22/10/2020
Now playing Next Poland Polish court to determine fate of 'independent' human rights ombudsman Since the populist party, Law and Justice, won power in 2015, it has taken control of almost all state institutions, except the Human Rights Commissioner's office but that could soon change. 20/10/2020
Now playing Next Europe News No recovery fund without rule of law conditions, says Manfred Weber MEPs have urged European leaders to link future EU payouts to respect for rule of law in member states. 06/10/2020
Now playing Next World News Euroviews. Open letter to the European Parliament: Call out the EU Council on its rule of law hypocrisy ǀ View In an open letter to the European Parliament, law professors express their concern about the way recent appointments to the EPPO were carried out by the European Council. 03/10/2020
Now playing Next Europe News European leaders remain divided over Turkey and Belarus sanctions European leaders are gathering in Brussels to discuss pressing foreign affairs issues. As they sit down for talks, here is what has been said so far. 01/10/2020
Now playing Next Europe News EU 'naive' over rule of law of breaches, says Jourova Vera Jourova was speaking as the EU published its first-ever report on democratic values in the 27-country bloc. 30/09/2020
Now playing Next Europe News The Rule of Law: what is it and why is it important? In recent years, citizens of EU countries have taken to the streets, protesting against what they saw as democratic backsliding. The European Commission has introduced ways to limit regression on rule of law. We explain the issue that is shaking the EU's foundations. 30/09/2020
Now playing Next Europe News Hungary calls for EU's Jourova to quit over 'sick democracy' comment Orban's spokesperson Zoltan Kovacs said that Jourova's comments were "inappropriate and unacceptable". 29/09/2020
Now playing Next Romania Romania: Judicial reforms 'contrary to EU law' — ECJ legal advice This case concerns the Bucharest government's appointment of an interim Chief Judicial Inspector and the creation of a prosecution department with exclusive oversight of judges' offences. 23/09/2020
Now playing Next Poland Poland: PiS ponders ruling alone as United Right coalition 'collapses' The 'United Right' political alliance has been in power since 2015. Negotiations are to come, but could bring 2023 elections forward. 18/09/2020
Now playing Next Europe News MEPs urge Brussels to link EU cash handouts to rule of law record Brussels committed itself to tackle rule of law backsliding when it took office last year. MEPs say now is the time to deliver. 15/09/2020
Now playing Next Europe News 'We'll find a solution': EU's Michel confident over COVID fund dispute "This won't be easy, as there are different interpretations on the table, but I'm totally convinced that we'll find a solution," European Council President Charles Michel told Euronews. 07/09/2020
Now playing Next Europe News EU COVID-19 rescue fund: what safeguards are there against corruption? Leaders agreed a "historic" deal on the coronavirus recovery package, but how can the EU be sure that the money doesn't get into the wrong hands? 28/07/2020
Now playing Next Europe News Rule of law to be important part of EU summit talks, says Reynders The EU has been trying for years to get some countries to respect basic rules like media freedom and independence of the judiciary without success. One of the proposals on the table at the summit is to cut funding to countries found breaching rule of law principles. 17/07/2020