Now playing Next Green News Ukraine war has caused a fossil fuel ‘gold rush’, new report finds Leading climate researchers have found that the world is investing in new oil and gas projects in the wake of Russia’s invasion. 08/06/2022
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Now playing Next Green News Europe cuts Russian gas imports: So what are the energy alternatives? If coal plants are reopened in the EU, we can say goodbye to reaching the net zero targets the bloc has promised to reach. 27/04/2022
Now playing Next Climate What is LNG and can it fill the gap left by Russian oil and gas? Liquified natural gas is being brought in from all over the world to help meet Europe's energy needs. 11/03/2022
Now playing Next Green News US reluctant to export natural gas to Europe amid 'climate concerns' The Ukraine crisis has underscored Europe's energy dependence on Russia, which supplies about 40 per cent of the natural gas used to heat homes and generate electricity. So why is the US not helping out? 11/03/2022