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MEPs vote to probe top EU job choice

MEPs vote to probe top EU job choice
By Euronews
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Appointment of German Martin Selmayr as EU Commission Secretary-General is raising questions about transparency


MEPs have voted to probe the controversial appointment of German Martin Selmayr - a right hand man of President Jean Claude Juncker - as the EU Commission's new Secretary-General.

With his selection coming as such a shock to some, questions are being raised about transparency. 

"It's not normal for commissioners who are deciding about such a position to not know before the session that this point was on the agenda," said Sven Giegold, a German MEP.

"The appointment of a new secretary general was not there. It meant the commissioners couldn't discuss beforehand, in an informal way, who would be the best candidate."

Former head of Cabinet, Selmayr is a man nicknamed "the monster." He's said to have his enemies, and to be unpopular among Commission officials.

The French 'are furious'

One journalist told Euronews that the French aren't happy that a German has landed the top civil servant job.

"This post was destined for the French. And in Paris, I don't hide it, they are furious about has happened, and at Berlin too, because the Chancellor had made a commitment to Emmanuel Macron for this to be a French-filled post," said Jean Quatremer.

"So, don't look for a state behind this choice, it is a personal ambition to its maximum."

It's not known when the probe will start, but it will no doubt be closely watched.

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