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Cuba: change from within

Cuba: change from within
By Euronews
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They are artists, intellectuals or bloggers, and they want Cuba to open up to the world.

Whether they are dissidents or not, a new generation of Cubans is trying in every way it can to create bubbles of freedom in their country.

This week, Reporter returns to Cuba, highlighting the striking contrast between different parts of the Cuban population. On the one hand, there is Cuba’s carefree and politically abstinent youth, who somehow get by in a country without many job prospects.

On the other, there are young Cubans who are committed to change in Cuba. Some, like Etian and Barbaro, chose music as a vehicle. Their aim is to reach as many people as possible. Others, like Barbara and Laritza, use their jobs as lawyers to assist fellow Cubans. And others still are ready to fight for more freedom. Their weapon is the internet. Labelled as dissidents by the government, some talk of police beatings, others spend time in jail. All say it’s time for change in Cuba.

How long will the regime remain deaf to their demands?

First-hand witness accounts from within Cuba, this week in Reporter.

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