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What is the UNFINISHED Festival and how can you be part of it?

UNFINISHED Festival Isometric Map
UNFINISHED Festival Isometric Map Copyright Unfinished
Copyright Unfinished
By Euronews
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The programme takes place over 8 days. Starting on Sunday October 24th, the festival is designed to accompany participants until Sunday October 31st, interweaving their routine with a carefully curated mix of on-demand content, live events, and connected experiences.


Creative, like-minded people from all over the world are taking part in the upcoming UNFINISHED festival. With so much talk about the 'Multiverse' recently, this might be a good place to begin to understand how users might engage with other users within it. 

The festival puts culture at the very centre of society, and levarages the Arts and the senses to reinvent the artistic community into a permanent experience platform, connecting people through music, poetry, art and exploration, and in real time. 

What is this festival?

Created in Romania in 2016 by the EIDOS Foundation, the project is an online space where creativity is the centrepiece. #UNFINISHED21 is the fifth incarnation.

In a press release, UNFINISHED underlined the core premise.

"The underlying values of the festival are the binding force between each member. Curious, multidisciplinary and enthusiastic to explore new perspectives are the central elements of this community. Encounters in the festival usually resemble the feeling of meeting an old friend rather than a stranger, and the willingness to give is, more often than not, always present."

How do I sign up?

Applications to join the one-week-long multidisciplinary experience UNFINISHED are closing on October 20th, 2021 at midnight (wherever you are).

Attendance to the festival is based on UNFINISHED's unique pay-with-your-time model. Apply here to join the community from anywhere in the world.

What happens at the festival?

The programme takes place over 8 days. Starting on Sunday October 24th, the festival is designed to accompany participants until Sunday October 31st, interweaving their routine with a carefully curated mix of on-demand content, live events, and connected experiences.

Every morning starts with wellness, ranging from yoga and qi-gong to meditation. Meal times are shared with the grande dame of eating design, Marije Vogelzang, through a seven-part series of Edible Philosophy. Participants can also meet for lunch, dinner, or coffee, sitting together at virtual tables in the café. Afternoons feature a brief conversation to break the workday, and a series of daily soundwalks created by DJ and music curator Alexis Charpentier, all accessible according to participants' timezones.

Evening time sees the entire community gather for a live experience, starting with a weeklong program of musical conversations opened by the Beirut-based Wanton Bishops, continuing with Brazilian bands, musicians and collectives Avuá, BABY, MACUL, and Francisco El Hombre, Helsinki-based multidisciplinary cellist Sergio Castrillon, British singer-songwriter Tatiana DeMaria, and Romanian cobza player and musician Bogdan Simion. The festival's talks and conversations line up international speakers from writers Tim Urban, Douglas Ruhskoff and Virgine Raisson, experience designers Ida Benedetto and Jason Eppink, community organizer Jessica Hartzell, cultural entrepreneurs Tracey Ryans and Lionel Bensemoun, philosopher Marie Robert, filmmakers Eugene Jarecki and Boris Hars-Tschachoti, psychoanalyst Maria Homem, cyborg artists Neil Harbisson and Pol Lombarte, data scientist Dionna McPhatter and Chris Wiggins, Conservation Carpathia founders Barbara and Christoph Prombergerer, artists Sebastian Errazurriz and Christoph Niemann, mathematician Lê Nguyên Huang, mixologist Néli Pereira, wine expert Marinela Ardelean, people-centred researcher Tamika Abaka-Wood, monk and counselor Brother Fulfillment, computer scientists Deborah Raji, and the team behind Low-Tech Lab, amongst others.

A Midnight Moment, finally, closes each day by featuring Modern Love stories, read by actress Ana Ularu, in partnership with The New York Times.

What's the tech?

The platform, created in collaboration with [ Flow ] OS and hosted on Sessions, is uniquely crafted to simultaneously adapt to each participant's timezone while also gathering the community around key live moments across the world.

Worried you won't fit in?

Don't be. This is from UNFINISHED's manifesto.

"Embrace mistakes, failures, detours, wanders, accidents, experiments. Counting on them as blessings helps us take greater risks and brings our journey to more exciting places."

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