Edition 24 of the E3 games salon opens its doors to the public and touts VR as the big thing in the next 12 minths
It is as if the doors of Ali Baba’s cave had been swung open wide for some 15,000 video games nuts.
For the first time ever the industry’s E3 show, or Electronic Entertainment Expo, normally for
professional eyes only, has allowed the gaming public in.
The convention is in its 24th year and is the must-attend event to know what will be hot in the coming 12 months.
Virtual reality is this year’s big thing; some 128 creators have come to Los Angeles to show off their wares, a 130%
Industry announcements from giants Sony and Nintendo come on Tuesday, with gamers at fever pitch
over Nintendo’s new real-world game, If 2016 was all about chasing Pokemon around, 2017 will be about you
careering around the world in Super Mario’s shoes.