On two opposite sides of the world, two-headed snakes were recently discovered.
In a Bali village in Indonesia, residents were stunned by a rare finding: a small two-headed snake, big enough to fit in the palm of a hand.
The snake quickly became an attraction in the village of Tabanan. Children in the town surrounded the snake which was decorated with Hindu offerings.
"I was coming home from work when I parked my motorbike near the snake," said villager Gusti Bagus Eka Budaya according to AFP.
"I looked more closely and saw that he had two heads, which shocked me," he said.
In late August, on the other side of the world, two New Jersey environmental consultants found a two-headed Timber rattlesnake. The two-headed snake was named "Double Dave" after the two men, both named Dave, who found it.
"Because the snake is handicapped it is probable that it could not survive in the wild and would likely be killed by predators," the conservation firm, Herpetological Associates said in a statement.
The Timber rattlesnake is an endangered species and legally protected in New Jersey, and a two-headed snake is a rare occurrence, the firm said.
The firm has permission from the state to keep the snake.