Spring equinox celebrated at ancient sun-worshipping site in Mexico

Spring equinox celebrated at ancient sun-worshipping site in Mexico

Visitors climbed up to the top of Mexico's Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan on Wednesday, holding their hands out to receive the sun's energy as they celebrated the spring equinox.

Visitors climbed up to the top of Mexico's Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan on Wednesday, holding their hands out to receive the sun's energy as they celebrated the spring equinox.

Although the official vernal equinox occurred on Tuesday, thousands of visitors are expected to climb the ancient pyramid to greet the sun and celebrate the beginning of spring.

The equinox occurs when the day lasts as long as the night, an ancestral sign of balance between light and darkness.

Last year 135,000 people visited the archaeological site.