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Transcript of Juncker's comment on Catalonia in Euronews interview

Transcript of Juncker's comment on Catalonia in Euronews interview
By Euronews
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The original French and an English translation of European Commission president's words.


During yesterday’s #AskJuncker interview with three YouTubers, hosted by Euronews, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker made a comment suggesting that he would respect yes vote in the Catalan independence referendum.

This section of the interview with Euronews’ Isabel Kumar was conducted in French.

Below is Euronews’ French transcript and a translation of what Juncker said in English.


Isabelle Kumar:
A propos du referendum en Catalogne qui aura lieu le 1er octobre ?

Jean-Claude Juncker:
“La Commission européenne a pour principe de ne pas faire partie des débats internes dans un pays, mais qui sont des débats démocratiques acceptables et acceptés. La Commission Prodi, la Commission Barroso et la mienne, nous avons toujours dit en la matière que nous allions suivre, en les respectant, les arrêts de la Cour Constitutionnelle espagnole et [les décisions] du Parlement espagnol. Mais il est évident que si un « Oui » à l’indépendance de la Catalogne voyait le jour – à voir – nous respecterons ce choix. Mais la Catalogne ne pourra pas devenir le lendemain matin, le jour après le vote, membre de l’Union européenne. La Catalogne sera soumise à un processus d’adhésion comme l’ont été les Etats membres qui nous ont rejoint après 2004.”

Here’s the original footage in French


Isabelle Kumar:
Will the Commission recognise and accept a “Yes” result in the October 1 referendum in Catalonia?

Jean-Claude Juncker:
“The Commission has a tradition of not taking part in internal domestic debates in any given country, even if these are acceptable and accepted democratic debates. The Prodi and Barroso Commissions and my own Commission have always said that we would pay attention to and respect the rulings of the Spanish constitutional court and [the decisions] of the Spanish parliament. But it’s obvious that if there were to be a “yes” in favour of Catalan independence – which remains to be seen – then we will respect that choice. But Catalonia will not be able to become an EU member state the day after such a vote. Catalonia will have to follow the same accession procedures as the member states that joined after 2004.”

Here’s the live English translation

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