Jacqueline Galant quit amid claims she neglected EU reports that highlight safety failings at the site, which was the target of ISIL-inspired suicide bombers on March 22.
Belgium’s Transport Minister has resigned amid a row over airport security. Jacqueline Galant quit over claims she neglected EU reports that highlight safety failings at the site, which was the target of ISIL-inspired suicide bombers on March 22.
Pressure had grown for Galant to step aside after leaked European Commission reports showed the EU had repeatedly warned of security shortcomings at Belgian airports.
At a press conference to announce her resignation she rejected claims.
“The suggestion that I have been lax and not paid enough attention to security issues is deeply hurtful. In fact, if there is one area where I’ve always been careful, it’s this one.”
She was contradicted by Laurent Ledoux, chief civil servant at Belgium’s transport ministry, who claimed he had alerted Galant about the security failings, but was unable to secure additional funding to correct them.
Belgium’s Palais Royal confirmed the resignation in a brief statement.
The suicide bombings on March 22 killed 16 people at the airport and 16 at Maelbeek metro station, another 300 were injured.