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What the top tweets worldwide are saying about #refugees

What the top tweets worldwide are saying about #refugees
By Euronews
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The poignant and compelling images of desperate people risking everything to find refuge in Europe continue to generate reams of comment and reaction


The poignant and compelling images of desperate people risking everything to find refuge in Europe continue to generate reams of comment and reaction in mainstream and social media.

Here are the top three most re-tweeted Tweets containing the word ‘refugee’, in various languages (as of Wednesday September 9, source: Tweetdeck). As you scroll down, just after each language heading, we give a translation of the three comments into English.

English – ‘refugees’

(Editor’s note: Katie Hopkins is an outspoken conservative commentator who wants the government to use gun ships against migrants trying to get into the UK)

Petition launched to swap Katie Hopkins for 50,000 Syrian refugees

— Evening Standard (@standardnews) September 5, 2015

Why do refugees risk their lives on boats? Here's the Syrian town of the boy who drowned trying to reach Europe.

— Mr Denmore (@MrDenmore) September 5, 2015

We could make room in England for more refugees by deporting the bigoted, racist neanderthals horrified by the idea of helping them.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) September 4, 2015

French – ‘réfugiés’

The three comments in French say:

(1) As well as putting up one million euros, Bayern’s going to give the refugees training grounds, free meals and German lessons!

(2) Bayern Munich is going to donate 1M€ to help the refugees who make it to Germany!

(3) Destabilise a country, bomb it, be surprised to see refugees arrive from that country, let them die, tell them it’s their fault.

En plus d'offrir 1M€, le Bayern va installer des terrains d'entraînement, fournir des repas et donner des cours d'allemand aux réfugiés !

— L'Actu Foot (@ActuFoot_) September 5, 2015

[#Allemagne] Le Bayern Munich va effectuer un don de 1M€ pour aider les réfugiés qui rejoignent l’Allemagne !

— Footballogue (@Footballogue) September 4, 2015

- Déstabiliser un pays – Le bombarder – S’étonner de voir arriver des réfugies de ce pays – Les laisser crever – Dire que c de leur faute

— Keyzer Söze (@keyzer_usual) September 3, 2015

German – ‘flüchtling’

(1) Bertolt Brecht was a refugee, too. Nice poem by him about it.

(2) Enough! Nazis attack refugees in Budapest, Pakistani refugee dies in Bicske

(3) Who are we? Are our values really worth it if we let things like this happen?

Auch Bertolt #Brecht war mal ein #Fluechtling. Schönes #Gedicht von ihm dazu. #Deutschland#Finnland#EU. Bild:

— Niema Movassat (@NiemaMovassat) September 5, 2015

Es reicht: Nazis in #Budapest greifen Flüchtlinge an, in #Bicske stirbt ein Flüchtling aus Pakistan

— Karim Saad (@saadkarim) September 4, 2015

Wer sind wir, was sind unsere Werte wirklich wert, wenn wir so etwas weiter geschehen lassen?

— BILD (@BILD) September 3, 2015

Italian – ‘rifugiati’

(1) A.S. Roma football club rallies fans and other clubs to donate money to support the refugees, calling the fund ‘Football Cares’

(2) We invite all the clubs and fans to make a donation.

(3) Why is Germany the only country where the surge of refugees isn’t causing panic?

La Roma lancia un appello a tutte le squadre del mondo per supportare #FootballCares per i rifugiati

— AS Roma (@OfficialASRoma) September 6, 2015

Invitiamo tutti i club e i tifosi a condividere per raccogliere fondi per la crisi rifugiati

— AS Roma (@OfficialASRoma) September 6, 2015

Come mai la Germania è l’unico paese dove l’afflusso di rifugiati non scatena il panico?

— Internazionale (@Internazionale) September 6, 2015

Spanish – ‘refugiados’

(1) Welcome. You are safe. Vienna’s message to the refugees getting off trains.

(2) The countries taking in the most refugees: USA, Russia, China, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain. What a joke! The world’s top eight arms merchants.


(3) They are frightened and exhausted. The Syrian refugee children need you. Donate to UNICEF.

“Welcome. You are safe”. El mensaje del Ayuntamiento de Viena con el q se encuentran los refugiados al bajar del tren

— Principia Marsupia (@pmarsupia) September 6, 2015

Países que más refugiados acogen:
2 Rusia
3 China
4 Germany
5 France
6 UK
7 Spain
8 Italy
Es coña. Top 8 vendedores de armas del mundo

— Xavier Aldekoa (@xavieraldekoa) September 6, 2015

Están asustados y exhaustos ¡Los #niñosdeSiria#refugiados nos necesitan! Dona en unicef_es</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Sergio Ramos (SergioRamos) September 4, 2015

Portuguese – ‘refugiados’

(1) What are the Syrian refugees fleeing? This Kobane, birthplace of the little boy whose drowning so moved the world.

(2) How do you think homeless people in Portugal feel when they see refugees getting houses in Portugal, when they live in the street?

(3) Portugal gives foreign refugees shelter but the homeless living in the street don’t have the right to a roof over their heads?


De que fogem refugiados sírios? Esta é Kobane, cidade natal de Aylan Kurdi, menino cujo afogamento comove o mundo.

— Maurício Santoro (@msantoro1978) September 5, 2015

O que acham que os sem-abrigo portugueses vão sentir quando virem refugiados em portugal a ter direito a casas e eles a viverem na rua?

— O Semi-Moreno (@oSemiMoreno) September 4, 2015

Portugal oferece abrigo aos refugiados estrangeiros mas os sem-abrigo que vivem no meio das nossas ruas nao têm direito a ter um teto?

— ИИ Girl • 28D (@detoxicatted_) September 5, 2015

Hungarian – ‘menekültek’

(1) The refugees walking quite calmly in the bus lane. What was frightening is that hooligans were throwing firecrackers at them and the police had to close the road.

(2) Refugees walking in Rákóczi Street in Budapest.

(3) Refugees are fleeing Bicske camp.

Mindkét vonulást láttam és nem a menekültek rémítettek meg. Nekem ijesztőbb, h a gyülöletből fényes nappal vonuló idiótákkal élek egy helyen

— Andrea Bado (@anedera) September 4, 2015

menekültek a Rákóczi úton – refugees walking on Rákóczi street, Budapest

— (@Atlatszo) September 4, 2015

a bicskei táborból is kitörtek a menekültek – refugees are fleeing from camp in Bicske

— (@Atlatszo) September 4, 2015

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