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And also... French mummy found; Morocco expels topless protesters, selfie-taker topples Lenin statue

And also... French mummy found; Morocco expels topless protesters, selfie-taker topples Lenin statue
By Euronews
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Every week, journalists from the various language teams at euronews spot stories from Europe and beyond which did not reach the international front


Every week, journalists from the various language teams at euronews spot stories from Europe and beyond which did not reach the international front pages.

Kazakhstan: sudden loss of half Saiga antelope population

Around half of the world’s critically endangered Saiga antelope have died in Kazakhstan since May 10 this year. An unknown environmental trigger is thought to have caused two types of normally benign bacteria found in the antelopes’ gut to turn deadly. The animals die within hours of showing symptoms, that include depression, diarrhoea and frothing at the mouth.

#ФОТОРЕПОРТАЖ. Киіктер неден қырылды? Орталық Азияда #киік саны күрт кеміп барады

— Азаттық радиосы (@AzattyqRadiosy) Mayo 21, 2015

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Germany: spend eternity with your pet

They say a dog is for life and not just for Christmas, but for some in Germany it is even for the afterlife.

The German Cemetery Association has announced that people can now ask to be buried in the same grave as their pets.

‘Our haven’ is a family business that enables animal lovers to stay together with their loyal companions even after death.

Two cemeteries are set to start allowing pets and people grave sharing from June, with more to follow soon.

Website of the project

Same-sex marriage ‘leads to incest’

The regional head of the government of Saarland Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) in Germany has said in an interview with “Saarbrücker Zeitung” that marriage should remain a clearly defined union between a man and a woman.

He says that allowing same-sex weddings would be opening the flood gates to other unorthodox partnerships such as marriages between siblings and weddings involving more than two people.

The interview caused a storm on both social and traditional media.

Recent polls show the vast majority of Germans are in favour of same sex marriage.

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Turkish women turn their back in protest at Erdoğan

Thousands of Turkish women have posted their photos on social media showing them turning their backs in protest at President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s latest rebuke targeting women.

“It is very interesting that a group here… I beg your pardon but my decency does not permit me to put it another way… turned their backs on me while making the victory sign,” Erdoğan said in the eastern Turkish province of Iğdır on June 1.


“If you have a modicum of politeness, honour and ability, then the place for politics is parliament,” he added, claiming that the women needed to be deputies to have the right to protest the Turkish president.

In response to Erdoğan, thousands of women posted photos of them turning their back on June 2. Photos included not only women, but also some men, and of course cats, almost all accompanied by remarks criticizing Erdoğan.

Thousands of Turkish women turn their back in protest at Erdoğan

— Ex-Muslims Forum (@CEMB_forum) 3 Juin 2015

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Greece: Thessaloniki women warn would-be rapists

Women in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki have posted leaflets warning a man who allegedly tried to rape a young woman at an apartment house entrance that they are looking for him.


The leaflet is entitled “A few words to the neighbourhood’s would be rapist” and is signed “the female neighbours”.

Recently, in a central city neighbourhood, a young woman was violently attacked at the entrance of her apartment building by an unknown man. It is well-known that similar incidents have happened in the city centre.

From the woman hater look, the sexist laugh, the ease with which they violate our space, the oppression of our desires, the long years of ‘machismo’ education, to the rape itself, we recognise a common path.

Rapists are not a breed apart, they are everyday men. We, as women inhabiting the centre, we choose not to shut our ears to any screams we may hear some night, afternoon, or even morning. Only alertness and solidarity can avert such incidents.
Our tolerance is zero. We are looking for you.”


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UK: London hedgehogs learn road safety to survive

Some of London’s last remaining hedgehogs are surviving because they have learnt how to avoid the capital’s busy roads.

The Royal Parks Foundation has tagged the animals in Regents Park and found that the they never crossed the busy streets in the capital.

Road deaths are considered to be one of the major factors in the decline of hedgehogs in the UK.


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France: Fully-dressed body of 17th century noblewoman unearthed

A lead coffin containing the well preserved body of a 17th century noblewoman has been discovered in the French city of Rennes.

The corpse of Louise de Quengo, a widow from an aristocratic family from Brittany, was found in a stone tomb in the chapel of Saint-Joseph.

Archaeologists were expecting to find nothing but dust and a few bones but they were astonished to see the remarkably well preserved body and clothing she was buried in.


Once the hermetically sealed coffin was opened scientists then had to race against time to cool the body down to prevent the decomposition process from restarting.

The lead coffin was spotted under one of the convent’s supporting walls two years earlier but it took until this March to find a way of removing it without damaging the whole building.

The 1.45 metre woman died in 1656 at some time in her 60s and was found to have kidney stones and lung adhesions.

Burred with her was the heart of her husband Toussaint de Perrien, Knight of Brefeillac, who died in 1649.


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Morocco: two French FEMEN expelled after breast protest in Rabat

Two French members of the protest group Femen have been expelled from Morocco after posing topless in front of a monument in the capital Rabat.

The women who embraced each other in front of cameras had the words ‘in gay we trust’ painted on their fronts.

The women were protesting against the discrimination of homosexuals in Morocco where being gay can still land you with a sentence of up to three years in prison.


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Swiss police guns for sale on the web

Former weapons of the Swiss police are being sold on specialist websites in the USA.

This is reportedly a legal and widespread practice in all regions of Switzerland and helps earn extra cash for each force.

This source of police funding has raised unease among some Swiss citizens and its political class however.


Suisse: La police vend ses vieux pistolets sur le Net

— 20 minutes Suisse (@20minutesOnline) 4 Juin 2015

Critics highlight the fact that these weapons could be used to commit crimes and dirty the country’s reputation. One website, advertises a use Swiss police handgun for $379 (337 euros). But it is unclear whether Swiss police are selling the weapons directly to the online retailers, or whether they are arriving through one or more third parties. Article source

Russia: drunken man takes selfie and topples Lenin

A Russian man has destroyed a statue of Lenin while attempting to take a ‘selfie’.

According to law enforcement in the Kemerovo, or south-central, region of Russia, “a thirty-year-old man in a drunken state” broke to pieces a monument of the ex-Soviet leader.

The statue was said to have been damaged before from children playing on it.


The press service of the regional government agency confirmed that the man is being held in detention.

It said he has been interviewed by police with a procedural decision to follow.

Пьяный житель Кузбасса сломал памятник Ленину, пытаясь сделать селфи с вождем

— Mikhail Golub (@golub) junio 4, 2015

30-лет пьянючий мужик с Кузбасса, житель Прокопьевска (Кемеровская обл) пытался сделать селфи с "вождем" Володя пал!

— Жизнь в Резервации (@CleanAuthoritie) junio 4, 2015

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