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Loony laughs from candidates standing in 2015 General Election

Loony laughs from candidates standing in 2015 General Election
By Euronews
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Vote for Insanity. Well some might argue that’s what happens at every British election! Now it’s official. One party is campaigning on the “insanity”


Vote for Insanity. Well some might argue that’s what happens at every British election!

Now it’s official. One party is campaigning on the “insanity” ticket. In fact the Official Monster Raving Loony Party has been putting up candidates at elections for decades without, as yet, winning any seats.

The Loony Party has become the torchbearer for a host of off-the-wall eccentrics, oddballs, and one-policy candidates who cling to the dream of entering parliament.

That is how it will most likely be at this ballot – a dream

But don’t be too quick to brush aside their policies as bonkers. Ever taken your pet across the English channel? You have to have a pet passport – that’s the law. Now who could have come up with that daft idea?

Could any of the 2015 Loony Party’s policies actually become law? Their leader, Alan “Howling Laud” Hope outlined what he believes are his party’s winning policies on national television.

The 72-year-old says underlying this campaign is a promise “to do all the things the other parties say they’re going to do when they don’t do it.”

He is one of 16 Loonies running and is standing against London Mayor Boris Johnson in the west London seat of Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

He hopes voters will have trouble picking out the official Loony.

Not all are approaching this election with such humour. In 2005 Paul Birch co-founded the social network Bebo later selling it to AOL for 850 million dollars. In December he founded a political party called Cista or Cannabis Is Safer than Alcohol. The party is fielding 32 candidates with Birch’s financial backing.

He wants to put the issue of drug policy on the table. “I’m not sure it’s the very most effective way, but there’s currently no coverage at all in this election around this topic,” he explained.

It’s not the only issue about which he cares, “but it is an issue that stands out from most of the other issues out there in that there are no coherent arguments for carrying on the current policy path.”

A general election sharpens the focus on the media and its coverage of the politics and people. It now appears the British media has been responsible for the birth of another party.

“The Europeans Party was established in London as a consequence of extreme negative reactions against the European Union and its Citizens.” That’s how the party describes its genesis.

They have one candidate, Andrzej Rygielski standing in Ealing Central and Acton Constituency. He has also been standing in the rain as part of a demonstration in support of Romanians in London.


The media of course loves a celebrity. One in particular has brought a smile in the run up to May 7. But then that’s his business, comedy.

If you know him then the thought of the Speaker of the House calling on the honourable Al Murray, leader of the FUKP Party to make a speech certainly raises the prospect of a laugh or two.

The Pub Landlord is standing in South Thanet and will be up against Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party.

“It seems to me that the UK is ready for a bloke waving a pint around, offering common sense solutions,” said Murray.


If the voters are not ready for such a Member of Parliament well then what about a member of the Class War Party a party which in their own words believe “all other candidates are scum”.

Of course if you want to vote but can’t make up your mind where to place that ‘X’ you could always get your own name on the ballot paper. That’s what Matt from Milton Keynes did.

As he says, “there ain’t no party like a political party”!

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