The comedy film "The Interview" has been shown for the first time in more than 320 independent US cinemas.
It has been a long time in the headlines … now it has finally made it to the big screen.
The comedy film “The Interview” has been shown for the first time in more than 320 independent US cinemas.
This after Sony backtracked on scrapping the release of the movie because of cyber threats, allegedly from North Korea.
One man who saw the film at the Silent Movie Theater in Los Angeles said: “Super funny, super funny. People were saying that, well I’m going to watch the movie because it’s a statement but I don’t know. Actually it’s both things. It’s a statement to come here and it’s super funny.”
Another man said: “I am here because I wanted to support film makers who were being censored by foreign bodies because I don’t believe that anybody should have the right to censor a work, whether it’s satirical or not.”
The comedy angered North Korea because it depicts a plot to assassinate its leader Kim Jong-un.