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Greek prime minister announces party candidates for EU elections

Greece's prime minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announces candidates for EU elections
Greece's prime minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announces candidates for EU elections Copyright Screenshot from EPT video
Copyright Screenshot from EPT video
By Euronews with EBU
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Mitsotakis is asking voters to look beyond the appeal of famous names on the ballot, but everyday problems like rising prices are more of a concern.


The Greek prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has presented the candidates from his ruling New Democracy party for June’s EU elections.

New Democracy’s ballot includes a number of famous faces such a television hosts, journalists and Olympic medallists.

Mitsotakis however asked Greek voters to look beyond the appeal of a famous name and give attention to less recognisable candidates.

But for regular Greeks, it’s everyday issues that will take them to polling stations with things like inflation and the cost of living high priorities.

And some of them aren’t happy.

“The government says it is going to help farmers with the price of fertilisers,” one farmer told Euronews. “But we have not seen anything until now. We’re going to punish them in this election because they didn’t do anything about the high prices.”

In this context, Mitsotakis has called on Greeks to send a message of stability in June’s EU vote, citing geopolitical instability and financial challenges.

“Things have become very difficult,” he said at the launch of the list. “Therefore, it is of great importance for the strong voice of our country to be heard in this changing Europe.

"That's why we're voting in the June 9 election."

Famous faces

Among the 42 candidates on the New Democracy list, one standout name is Fredi Beleri.

He’s the ethnic Greek mayor-elect of the Albanian city of Chimara, and is currently serving a two-year prison sentence for vote buying.

That case stoked tensions between Tirana and Athens, with Greece’s foreign ministry questioning the objectivity of the Albanian judicial system.

“The selective implementation of court rulings and the prejudging of court decisions do not conform with the rule of law,” the ministry said in a statement.

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