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Nuits de Fourvière: PJ Harvey, Patti Smith, LCD Soundsystem and AIR for a banner 2024 edition

Nuits de Fourvière: PJ Harvey, Patti Smith, LCD Soundsystem and AIR set for a banner 2024 edition
Nuits de Fourvière: PJ Harvey, Patti Smith, LCD Soundsystem and AIR set for a banner 2024 edition Copyright Nuits de Fourvière
Copyright Nuits de Fourvière
By David Mouriquand
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PJ Harvey, Patti Smith, LCD Soundsystem, AIR, Justice, Nile Rodgers and Idles all set the stage for what promises to be an edition for the books.


Lyon is rich in ancient theatrical spaces and the Nuits de Fourvière festival makes the most of this.

Located on the hill of Fourvière, which was the first part of Lyon (back then called Lugdunum) to be settled and developed by the Romans, the festival takes place every summer among the ruins of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Théâtre Antique de Fourvière.

It’s hands down one of our favourite European festivals.

It’s a stunning location and their line-ups are equally impressive, rich in international music names. As if that wasn’t enough, the originality of this pluridisciplinary festival lies in the fact it has a wealth of ballet, dance and theatre offerings during the course of two months.

And this year’s edition, running from 30 May to 25 July, is no exception.

Here is our handpicked, chronological guide to the shows you shouldn’t miss out on this year. 

Gravity & Other Myths – The Pulse

Thursday 30 May, Friday 31 May, Saturday 1 June

The Pulse is being presented for the first time in France at the Nuits de Fourvière for the opening of this 2024 edition. This Australian circus company brings together more than twenty acrobats and a chorus of thirty singers for a show that promises to be breathtaking. Expect the laws of gravity to be defied, as well as precisely synchronised feats – all to a stirring vocal score. Sounds like a sensory experience we won’t be skipping.

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Amyl and the Sniffers

Monday 3 June

Australia takes the centre stage this year with an unmissable dual helping of two of Down Under’s best rock bands. The scarily prolific psychedelic rock outfit of King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard (25 albums in the space of 10 years qualifies as hyperactive at this point) is joined by Amyl and the Sniffers, with their edgy riot grrrl punk goodness. Hailing from Melbourne, these two bands have won over an ever-growing audience with their seventies-influenced records. It’s not an evening you’ll want to miss.

PJ Harvey

Tuesday 4 June

Having released her sublime and audacious tenth album, 'I Inside the Old Year Dying' - a definite return to form – PJ Harvey is back this year, having previously played at the Nuits de Fourvière on several occasions. The English musician should offer a uniquely soothing and intimate set, mirroring the fascinatingly elusive album, which gradually draws you into a melodic world populated with ghosts. We can’t wait to see (and hear) how 'I Inside the Old Year Dying' translates on stage.

Le Grand Bal de l'Amour

Thursday 6 June

Partnering with the Maison de la Danse and the Musée des Confluences, the festival fashions a unique event at Lyon’s Musée des Confluences, in honour of the "À nos amours" exhibition. The exhibit is all about the mysteries of love and what we choose to pass onto our loved ones. The evening will bring together artists, performers and DJs to transform the museum into a dance floor. Dance workshops and food trucks are also part of the festivities. Yes please.

MC Solaar

Thursday 6 June

France remains the second-largest market for rap and hip-hop after the US to this day, and the festival is honouring that more than once this year. A pioneer of French rap, MC Solaar has transcended borders, and his playful poetry and inimitable flow will grace the Fourvière stage. Following the re-release of his legendary first three albums – specifically his 1991 debut 'Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo', MC Solaar has a new single, ‘Pierre-feuille’, and we’re expecting that his night in Lyon will bring fans an amuse bouche as to what his eagerly-awaited new album will have to offer.

Get Down! - Battle Hip-Hop

Saturday 8 June

Like we said, hip-hop gets a strong presence this year, especially following the genre’s 50th anniversary last year. More than 50 artists from the regional and international scenes will come together for what promises to be an explosive show. The programme includes a showcase of dances, a break-dance competition, as well as a human beatbox performance by world champions Alem and Alexinho.



Tuesday 11 June, Wednesday 12 June, Thursday 13 June

In a production that combines theatre and film, Brazilian director Christiane Jatahy imagines Hamlet as a woman, played by Clotilde Hesme. It’s not the first time this gender-switch has been attempted, but Jatahy proposes a new angle: Hamlet is a woman. While the director remains faithful to the text, its contemporary setting and musings on the violence of power promise much. After all, Jatahy won the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 2022 for her body of work. So you can bet you’re in for something truly special.


Monday 17 June

Having exploded onto the scene with their 2007 debut album and its earworm ‘D.A.N.C.E.’, electro duo Justice are back with a much-anticipated fourth album this year. After an absence of eight long years, the band, which heads the 'second generation' French Touch, is one of the biggest gets for Fourvière this year. And anyone who has already seen them live can attest to their capacity for creating a joyous time, complete with a stunning light show. Bring it on.

AIR plays Moon Safari

Tuesday 18 June


Speaking of French Touch, the celebrated duo AIR return to their classic debut album ‘Moon Safari’, which will be performed live in its entirety for the first time. Jean-Benoît Dunckel and Nicolas Godin crafted a suave, dreamy and danceable electro masterstroke, whose cinematic soundscapes will ensure that hearing this album live in the Roman amphitheatre will be an evening to treasure. Seriously - ‘Sexy Boy’ and ‘Kelly Watch the Stars’ in the context of Fourvière? They’re really treating us this year.

Nile Rodgers & Chic

Thursday 27 June

A disco funk legend comes to Lyon with his legendary group Chic. Guitarist and producing genius Nile Rodgers has rolled out 45 years of irresistible modern hits, and the thought of transforming the Roman amphitheatre into a 70s dancefloor, with everyone singing and dancing to hits like ‘Le Freak’, ‘Good Times’ and ‘I Want Your Love’, is enticing to say the very least.

The Cocteau trilogy / Philip Glass

Friday 28 June

Philip Glass devoted his career to the films of Jean Cocteau. In the 1990s, the American composer turned his attention to the French poet's cinematographic work, composing three singular operas: ‘Orphée’, ‘La Belle et la bête’, and ‘Les Enfants terribles’. It is this repertoire that Michael Riesman, a long-time collaborator of Philip Glass, has adapted for two pianos, for Katia and Marielle Labèque. We can’t wait.



Thursday 4 July

If you thought the Australian goodness limited itself to King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard and Amyl and the Sniffers at the start of the festival, think again. Aussie electropop five-piece Parcels are heading to Fourvière in July, bringing their delightful disco pop-vintage electro sounds to Lyon audiences. Not a show you’ll want to miss.


Friday 5 July

English rock gets represented this year with Bristol’s Idles and their jubilant post-punk sets. Having just released their fifth studio album, ‘Tangk’, produced by Radiohead's long-time collaborator Nigel Godrich, the quintet should offer up a show that mirrors their pumped up and raucous new tunes. Granted, the new album felt like some of the band’s righteous anger was missing, but we’re sure they haven’t lost their punk spirit on stage. Brace yourselves – this will be a lively one.

LCD Soundsystem

Monday 8 July


This is another huge get for Fourvière. James Murphy revives his irresistible LCD Soundsystem, after having seemingly thrown in the towel. No new album has been announced, after 2017’s 'American Dream', so unless we’re very much mistaken, this could go one of two ways: a best of setlist celebrating the New York resurgence of the 2000s or a tantalizing chance to try out new songs in a live setting. Whatever happens, the punkiest of dance outfits is a must-see.


Tuesday 9 July

French hip-hop legends IAM are back. More than thirty years since their debut, the Marseilles-based group are still honouring the French chapter of hip-hop's legacy. They’ve already shaped the country’s rap landscape with their innovative and politically conscious flow, and off the back of their newest album, ‘HHHistory’ (2023), this show should be a priority for rap fans.

Cat Power sings Dylan ‘66

Thursday 11 July

The 1966 Royal Albert Hall gig, one of Bob Dylan's most famous concerts, reinterpreted by the great Cat Power? This one sells itself.


Whiplash - Ciné-concert

Monday 15 July

From time to time, the festival use the wide open space of the Roman amphitheatre to screen films or to do a ciné-concert, like the ones at Lyon’s Auditorium. Notable instances include Gladiator and Dracula. This year, we get Damien Chazelle's second feature film, the Oscar-winning Whiplash. The jazzy and rhythmic score will be played live, in perfect synchronisation, by the Multiquarium Big Band. The film’s already pretty tense. A live version of the score will only enhance the experience. Definitely our tempo.

Patti Smith Quartet

Tuesday 16 July

The legendary Patti Smith has graced Fourvière with her presence more than once, and each time is an unmissable treat. 50 years after her New York debut, the high priestess of rock delves into the concert experience as an act of communion. Surrounded by her faithful musicians, she is set to revisit her vast repertoire, as well as several classics by her contemporaries (Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Television). Take our money now.

Nuits de Fourvière takes place in Lyon from 30 May to 25 July. Tickets go online on Wednesday 13 March.


Additional sources • Nuits de Fourvière

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