Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s dream of turning Turkey into a presidential republic was shattered on Sunday.
The AKP failed to win an outright majority in the parliamentary elections and will be unable, for the first time since 2002, to rule the country alone.
The financial markets were not happy about the prospect of a coalition. What investors really dread is Turkey entering a phase of political instability.
Why? Because the moment couldn’t be more delicate for the country. In this edition of Business Line we’ll see the biggest challenges facing the Turkish economy.
Plus, we’ll discover the reasons why voters decided to punish the Turkish President. A clue? A 1000-room palace that may or may not have golden toilet seats.]
Finally, in our IT-dedicated segment, we’ll see the biggest news from Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference: the launch of Apple Music and Apple Pay invading the UK.