Now playing Next Health news Global fertility rates will see 'dramatic decline' by 2100 Fertility rates in European countries are already below the global average, with the rates based on the number of children a woman will have in her lifetime. 21/03/2024
Now playing Next Health news 'Africa's oldest mother': Ugandan woman gives birth to twins aged 70 A Ugandan woman has given birth to twins at the age of 70, with the hospital claiming she is Africa's oldest mother. 01/12/2023
Now playing Next Health news Where in Europe do people live the longest? As demographics shift, life expectancy in the EU will only become more important as we grapple with an ageing population. 22/07/2023
Now playing Next World News Italy's declining birth rate: Pope Francis and Meloni raise concerns Italy has one of the lowest birthrates in the EU and the country is ageing at a much faster rate than other European countries. 13/05/2023
Now playing Next Creators Meet the illustrator shining a light on miscarriage struggles Miscarriage is a common struggle for many women but the emotions and turmoil it can create are too often overlooked or ignored. This French illustrator uses her drawings to shed light on the issue. 07/05/2023
Now playing Next Green News Air pollution harms health from before birth to old age Researchers say pollution affects our quality of life and impacts our ability to work, learn and contribute to society. 17/04/2023
Now playing Next Italy Anonymous births - Italy's latest controversy A newborn was left in one of Italy's safe haven baby boxes over Easter, sparking a fierce debate around motherhood and women's rights in the country. 14/04/2023
Now playing Next Netherlands Sperm donor alleged to have fathered 550 children faces legal action A Dutch man, said to have sired hundreds of kids through sperm donation, is being taken to court to stop him fathering more. 27/03/2023
Now playing Next Health news Which countries have the highest and lowest fertility rates in Europe? The fertility rate in the EU increased by 8 per cent over the last two decades but the number of children being born has started to gradually fall. 17/03/2023
Now playing Next Culture news What are the most popular boys and girls names in Europe? From Lucas to Sofia, Euronews Culture has found the most common and most given names in 30 European countries. Discover country by country, the most given names for girls and boys. 16/03/2023
Now playing Next Health news ‘Game changer’: New contraceptive can switch sperm off on demand Scientists hope their findings will pave the way to a contraceptive pill that men could take shortly before sex. 15/02/2023
Now playing Next World News China records its first population fall in decades China has fewer people than it did at the start of last year, according to official figures released Tuesday. 17/01/2023
Now playing Next Ukraine Ukraine's first 'war babies' are born The Ukraine war has been going on for more than nine months. Women who became pregnant just before or at the start of the war have now given birth to the first ‘war babies'. Their pregnancies are often accompanied by a lot of stress. Russia regularly carries out attacks on hospitals. 11/12/2022
Now playing Next Italy Italy's declining population fuels economic uncertainty Italy's aging citizens coupled with low birth rates are shrinking the country's population. Experts are now looking to reverse the trend to boost future economic growth, Euronews correspondent Giorgia Orlandi reports. 16/11/2022
Now playing Next No Comment First medical exam for three baby lynx in France Three female lynx, born on 18. May, undergo their first medical examination and are fitted with an electronic identification chip at the Sainte-Croix animal park in Rhodes, in France's northeast. 15/06/2022
Now playing Next Travel News Baby girl delivered mid-flight given the perfect name The ‘miraculous’ event has prompted some questions about the citizenship and rights of babies born on flights. 26/05/2022
Now playing Next China China's birth rate drops to a record low Changes to the strict "one-child policy" since 2016 have failed to result in a hoped-for baby boom 17/01/2022
Now playing Next No Comment Dutch zoo celebrates birth of 'vulnerable' manatee A Dutch zoo on Thursday welcomed a West Indian manatee calf, one of only 39 in all of Europe. 30/12/2021
Now playing Next No Comment Newborn lion triplets unveiled to public in Germany Newborn lion triplets at an animal park in western Germany were unveiled to the public and named on Monday. The cubs at Gelsenkirchen Zoo are all female and their names are Jamila, Kumani and Malaika. 15/11/2021
Now playing Next France France to offer free contraception benefits to women under 26 France to offer free contraception benefits to women aged under 26, says Health Minister Olivier Veran. 09/09/2021