The attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices and the deaths of cartoonists Jean Cabut (Cabu), Georges Wolinski, Stéphane ‘Charb’ Charbonnier, Bernard
The attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices and the deaths of cartoonists Jean Cabut (Cabu), Georges Wolinski, Stéphane ‘Charb’ Charbonnier, Bernard Verlhac (Tignous) and eight others has sparked international reaction. Press or otherwise, people around the world have responded with their most powerful weapon: the pen.
Here is a selection of cartoons in tribute to those who died in the Paris shooting.
Plantu, cartoonist for Le Monde and L’Express and President of Cartooning for Peace
De tout coeur avec Charlie Hebdo.
— PLANTU (@plantu) 7 Janvier 2015
“Wholeheartedly with Charlie Hebdo”
Cartooning for Peace (CFP)
CFP est abasourdi par l’attaque tragique au siège de #CharlieHebdo. Nos pensées vont aux victimes.
— Cartooning for Peace (@CartooningPeace) 7 Janvier 2015
“CFP is dumbfounded by the attack at the Charlie Hebdo offices. Our thoughts go out to the victims.”
Delucq, press cartoonist, France
Soutien à mes collègues
— delucq (@DelucqX) January 7, 2015
“Supporting my colleagues.”
Hervé Pinel, cartoonist for the French press, illustrator
Hervé Pinel, dessinateur régulier au JDD, rend hommage à ses collègues de #CharlieHebdo
— Vivien Vergnaud (@Vivien_Vergnaud) January 7, 2015
Zep, comic strip author, France
Adieu Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous, Charb...
— Zep (@Zeptheworld) 7 Janvier 2015
“Farewell Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous, Charb…”
Na !, press cartoonist, France
Hommage de notre dessinateur @na_dessinateur aux victimes de
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) 7 Janvier 2015
(From top, anti-clockwise) “Why? Shotgun? Kalashnikov? Hand grenade?”
Sfar, comic strip author, France
Une photo publiée par Joann Sfar (@joannsfar) le Janv. 1, 2015 at 8:05 PST
“Where is the courage?”
Une photo publiée par Joann Sfar (@joannsfar) le Janv. 1, 2015 at 7:58 PST
Martin Vidberg, cartoonist for the French press and illustrator, France
Comment dessiner aujourd'hui ? Comment ne pas dessiner aujourd'hui ?
— Martin Vidberg (@Vidberg) 7 Janvier 2015
“Today I am a press cartoonist.
Today I am a journalist.
Today, I draw for Charlie Hebdo.”
Boulet, comic strip author, France
— -Boulet- (@Bouletcorp) 7 Janvier 2015
“Ducks will always fly higher than guns.”
(In French, the word “canard” means “duck”, but is also a slang term for a newspaper.)
Julien Couty, illustrator, France
L'hommage du dessinateur Julien Couty
— Télérama (@Telerama) January 7, 2015
Nono, press cartoonist, France
#CharlieHebdo : l'hommage de notre dessinateur Nono
— Le Télégramme (@LeTelegramme) January 7, 2015
“Died for freedom of expression. Cobu, Wolinski, Tignous, Charb.”
Marion Barraus, illustrator, France
— Marion Barraud (@MarionBarraud) 7 Janvier 2015
Loïc Sécherresse, comic book author and illustrator, France
7 janvier 2015 / January 7, 2015
— Loïc Sécheresse (@loicsecheresse) 7 Janvier 2015
“January 7, 2015.”
Sylvain Sarrailh, illustrator, France
Gros chagrin :
— Tohad (@VoisinsduChaos) January 7, 2015
Tommy, press cartoonist, France
— Tommy dessine (@Tommydessine) January 7, 2015
“Oh no… Not them…”
Jean Jullien, illustrator, France/UK
I am devastated by what just happened in France.
— jean jullien (@jean_jullien) January 7, 2015
“I am Charlie.”
Joep Bertrams, political cartoonist, the Netherlands
Charlie Hebdo. Nooit opzij.
— Joep Bertrams (@joepbertrams) 7 Janvier 2015
Ruben L. Oppenheimer, political cartoonist, the Netherlands
— Ruben L. Oppenheimer (@RLOppenheimer) 7 Janvier 2015
Vagelis Papavasillou, Greece
— Vagelis Papavasiliou (@vagpapavasiliou) January 7, 2015
MacLeodCartoons, cartoonist for Evansville Courier, United States
— MacLeodCartoons (@MacLtoons) January 7, 2015
Nate Beeler, cartoonist for The Columbus Dispatch, United States
RIP #CharlieHebdo cartoonists. My toon from 2010:
— Nate Beeler (@natebeeler) January 7, 2015
Bernardo Erlich, Argentina
Atentado a Charlie Hebdo.
— Bernardo Erlich (@berlich) January 7, 2015
“The world has become so serious that humour is now a risky profession.”
Carlos Latuff, political cartoonist, Brazil
Please, RT! #CharlieHebdo attack has another victim! Via
— Carlos Latuff (@LatuffCartoons) January 7, 2015
Francisco J. Olea, Chile
— Francisco J. Olea (@oleismos) 7 Janvier 2015
“Companions in arms.”
Malaimagen, Chile
La viñeta de hoy. Comparta y/o comente si quiere. #CharlieHebdo
— malaimagen (@malaimagen) January 7, 2015
Neelabh Banerjee, cartoonist, India
Horrible attack.Cartoonists across the world are uniting against bloodshed and violence.
— Neelabh Banerjee (@NeelabhToons) January 7, 2015
David Pope, political cartoonist, Canberra Times, Australia
Can't sleep tonight, thoughts with my French cartooning colleagues, their families and loved ones
— David Pope (@davpope) 7 Janvier 2015
A selection of newspaper front pages
The letter from The Independent's Deputy Editor: In solidarity with #CharlieHebdo
— The Independent (@Independent) January 8, 2015
B.Z.-Titelseite nach dem Anschlag auf #CharlieHebdo. Alle Infos im Liveticker:
— BZ Berlin B.Z. (@bzberlin) January 7, 2015
Rettelse, @Politiken's forside imorgen. Nu uploadet MED leder - stadig flot
— Jesper Dahl Jeppesen (@jesperdahl) January 7, 2015
La une de "L'Echo Haute Vienne", via @jeromevallette. Pas besoin de mots.
— Cyril Petit (@cyrilpetit99) January 7, 2015
Unsere Titelseite von morgen.
Onze voorpagina morgen.
— De Morgen (@demorgen) January 7, 2015
Tomorrow's @TheTorontoSun front page. Our Andy Donato sets the tone as people around the world draw strength.
— Wendy Metcalfe (@WendyM_TorSun) January 8, 2015
Ce soir, La Tribune rend hommage à la rédaction de #CharlieHebdo dans son édition numérique >>
— LaTribune (@LaTribune) January 7, 2015
#EnPortada Todos somos #CharlieHebdo -
— La Razón (@larazon_es) January 8, 2015
And last, but not least…
The #CharlieHebdo shooting seen by euronews' cartoonist ElBartho
— euronews (@euronews) January 8, 2015