10 Best Instagram art post to motivate you to #Makethechange this Earth Overshoot Day

10 Best Instagram art post to motivate you to #Makethechange this Earth Overshoot Day
By Rosie Frost
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Take a look at some of the beautiful art being posted on Instagram this Earth Overshoot Day


This Earth Overshoot Day, the movement is encouraging increased awareness of how your personal footprint contributes to the problem. With the hashtag #movethedate, people are sharing short videos and photos of things they have changed to help reduce their carbon footprint.The hashtag has collected posts from across the globe with a number of artists and organisations posting inspirational art.

We've collected 10 of the most inspirational art pieces from artists across Instagram that really illustrate the point. 


Sophie Benson is a writer, stylist and lecturer who focuses on sustainable fashion with a feminist tone. Benson posted this great GIF complete with tips on how to reduce your consumption as well as enact greater change in governments.


Greenpeace Germany created this post showing the earth running out of juice. Their caption highlights the fact that we are using 1.75 times the world's natural resources each year and encourages followers to share what they are doing to give something back. 


Ann Kiernan is an illustrator based in Berlin, Germany. This vibrant watercolour piece shows people crammed into the shape of a globe echoing one of Earth Overshoot Day's target areas of change, population.


Sustainable lifestyle blogger, @liveconcious_, posted this stunning painting by her mother that contrasts the things we stand to loose with the most impacting aspects of human existence. 


This illustration from Romina Rosa Illustration shows how population density influences pollution. They simply say 'one of our huge problems is too much pollution'; we don't need much more as a picture paints a thousand words!


Artist Karoline Kohle, Girlboss of Social Design Label, posted this illustration of a woman holding the earth. She also gives 6 tips that you can follow individually to help reduce consumption of planetary resources.

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Heute ist leider der "Earth Overshoot Day"! Wir Menschen haben heute weltweit alle natürlichen Ressourcen aufgebraucht, die die Erde innerhalb eines Jahres regenerieren und nachhaltig zur Verfügung stellen kann. Allein in Deutschland hatten wir diesen Tag bereits am 3. Mai 2019 erreicht. Was können wir tun, um das Datum zu verschieben ? #movethedate Der @wwf hat folgende 6 Tipps dafür gegeben. 1. Ernährung Wenn wir den globalen Fleischkonsum um 50 Prozent reduzieren, würden wir den Overshoot Day um 5 Tage verschieben! 2. Lebensmittel sparen Wenn wir die Lebensmittelabfälle weltweit halbieren würden, würden wir den Overshoot Day um 11 Tage verschieben. 3. Der Natur helfen Würden wir 350 Millionen Hektar Wald wiederaufforsten, würden wir den Overshoot Day um 8 Tage verschieben. Aber auch ein naturnaher Garten hilft unserer Umwelt. 4. Kleidung bewusst kaufen Kleidung macht 3 Prozent des globalen ökologischen Fußabdrucks aus. Checke vorher: Hab ich soetwas schon im Kleiderschrank? Kann ich es gebraucht kaufen, leihen, tauschen oder sogar selber machen? 5. Nachhaltig reisen Kleine Hotels aufsuchen, lokale und biologische Lebensmittel kaufen, alternative Transportmittel nutzen – all das kann helfen, den Overshoot Day zu verschieben. 6. Transport-Alternativen nutzen Wenn wir nur halb so viel mit dem Auto fahren und ein Drittel mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zurücklegen würden, den Rest durch Wandern oder Radfahren überbrückten, könnten wir den Overshoot Day um 12 Tage verschieben. Welche Punkte fallen euch davon leicht? Und wo geht es ganz easy?

A post shared by Karoline Kohle (@karacho.paper) on


This illustration from Romina Rosa Illustration last year was so good we had to include it too. The small girl asking the older gentleman 'Why did you eat the world?' represents the problem of over consumption in a perfectly heartbreaking way. 


Petra Holländer is a Austrian artist creating comics about sustainable living. This post encourages action on Earth Overshoot Day but their Instagram is equally packed with plenty of informational illustrations about how to live a more eco-friendly life. 


Fashion revolution have chosen a visual representation of the planets plastic problem. The global movement calling for greater transparency in the fashion industry highlights the responsibility that consumers have to make sure they use their privilege to buy ethically and sustainably. 


Not only have Whatdesigncando created this great GIF, they have also created a video series for designers to show how they can help inspire others to #makethechange. 

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